701.今日ねこ。:ぴか、15匹。(2006-05-16 09:01:19)へのコメント

by Aru(2006-05-23 08:15:39)

Hi...this is my first comment, and Iam writing it in english cause Im from Spain and I dont speak Japanese ^_^u Here in my country theres only one Shin Takahashi work published...She the ultimate weapon, I bought all the volumes three years ago, and since that day, I became a huge fan of Saikano, the manga is so lovely, and sad,...I have read it a lot of times!!! :) well, I try to know whats going on right now in Japan about Takahashi art, but Its so difficult...Spain its so far away from the last news, what a pity...^_^U see ya!!!

by 銀狐(2006-05-20 21:09:41)

こんばんは。いつも楽しみながらブログ読ませてもらってます^^ 俺も昨日は17匹ぐらいに遭遇しましたよ^^ 宮前○駅前の神社さんにてゴロゴロ。 そういえば・・・ 一枚目と十枚目の写真に見覚えが・・・ まさかしんさんはご近所?! なぁ〜んて考えてしまったり・・・ これからも素敵な猫さんに出会えますように☆


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